Freitag, 20.09.2024

US-Expertin sieht Bidens Rückzug als letzte Chance für Demokraten gegen Trump


Alexander Braun
Alexander Braun
Alexander Braun ist ein erfahrener Journalist mit einer Leidenschaft für investigative Recherchen und tiefgründige Analysen.

Joe Biden’s decision to forego another presidential candidacy has raised significant challenges for the Democrats and could impact their chances against Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

The withdrawal of Joe Biden from the race opens up opportunities for the Democrats but necessitates a swift consolidation behind a new leadership duo. The potential emergence of Kamala Harris as a presidential candidate has been discussed, with polls showing her competitive against Trump.

There is also a debate regarding potential vice presidential candidates and the crucial role of Democratic unity in the campaign against Trump.

Experts believe that while Biden’s exit could create openings for the Democrats, it will require unity and prompt action. The spotlight may shift towards Kamala Harris, but alternative candidates are also being considered, leading to internal power struggles within the Democratic Party that could jeopardize their election prospects against Trump.


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